Monday, July 7, 2008

Kelsey's Got Beef With Malaysia

Well, as the trip winds down it's time to reflect on my time here. Yes, it's been great, but what's better than some good old fashion ranting? Here's what I have beef with, deservedly so or not:

  • Everyone is late - Alright, I can't say I'm ever early, but if something starts at 5, I'm there at 5. One time I was suppose to be picked up at 9:30 p.m. and they didn't come until 10:45 p.m. It's like that ALL the time.
  • Traffic - NO ONE uses their turn signals, one of my biggest pet peeves. People turn left from the right hand lane and visa versa. Motorcycles drive against traffic sometimes. Taxis claim they don't have meters so they charge you up the whazoo. People double, and TRIPLE park, and sometimes the street parking is run as valet by the local mafia.
  • Spitting/B.O. - There's a lot of it going on. And it's gross. Enough said.
  • Mosquitos - I haven't figure out how to avoid them. I've used sprays, lotions, candles, coils - even a mosquito patch! NOTHING WORKS; I'm covered in bites. It doesn't help that it rains every day and there's open water all over the place.
  • Market Smell - The people here love their dried fish, and that pungent aroma follows you EVERYWHERE. Add that with the smell of durian, known as the "bathroom fruit" (you're not even allowed to bring it into hotel rooms or rental cars it's so gross), and you have quite a charming stank.
  • Internet - Listen up, Streamyx. If I actually lived in KL, I would come down to your office and give you hell. Every. Single. Day. Streamyx is known as the best - among only a few as it is - Internet provider, but they keep accepting new clients and not expanding the number of people who can access the Broadband portal. Plus, every time it rains - meaning everyday - it's down. For hours.
  • Rush or stand? - Alright, this one is kind of confusing. At the airport, when the first announcement is made about the flight - even if it isn't boarding for 20 minutes - everyone RUNS up to the gate. It's really crazy. Same thing happens when you're getting off an elevator. The doors open and the people rush in without letting anyone out first. Now the flip side to that is people on the sidewalks. Anyone who knows me knows I HATE slow walkers. Well, here they aren't even walking. They're standing. It's called a sideWALK. Move your ass.

This entry is dedicated to Krissi Xenakis and Doug Callahan at Link who listened to me complain just about every day last summer. Miss you guys.

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